PvE Guilds

Players have the power to create guilds as well as join existing guilds. Guilds have the opportunity to acquire a governance token. Each week, guilds can claim tokens from the rewards pool on their account, moving up or down in the rankings of the top clans depending on the number of guild tokens they have accumulated. When the scanner is launched, guild tokens are produced for all players who have joined a guild during that time. A guild token is a unique currency that has the potential to be acquired throughout the mini-game. It is not clear to the player which mini-games will grant them a guild token and which will not. On average, twenty percent of the coins (points) that are created include at least one guild token. The guild account is credited with any guild tokens that are obtained by players. Every guild has its own scanner, which plays a role in determining how often guild tokens are discovered. A utility token is added to the scanner so that it can perform better. Every individual who is a part of the guild has the chance to deposit funds into the clan's account. These funds will be used to further develop the scanner.

Once discovered, the guild box is available for collection. The lifespan of a guild box is one day. The pieces of the mosaic will fall out of the guild box, and as soon as the clan has gathered all of the mosaic pieces, they will be rewarded. There are a total of twenty pieces that make up the mosaic. Players can get rid of duplicate pieces, but that doesn't move the game forward. The guild receives the reward, which consists of spare components. The guild scanner may be improved with the use of spare components, which are a resource.

The guild leader may participate in a PvE assignment once a week. When scanning, a player will have a guild box generated. It will be an invisible object on the map. The player will be exposed to an indicator showing how far from him a guild box is located. N/A- 500 meters further; a red oneโ€”250 meters further; an orange oneโ€”100 meters further; a yellow oneโ€”100 meters closer; a green oneโ€”30 meters closerโ€”a guild box becomes visible, and one can take it away. The guild box's lifetime is 24 hours. The pieces of the mosaic will fall out of the guild box, and as soon as the clan has gathered all of the mosaic pieces, players will be awarded. There are a total of twenty pieces that make up the mosaic. Players can get rid of duplicate pieces, but that doesn't move the game forward. The award, which consists of spare components, is given to the guild. The guild scanner may be improved with the use of spare components, which are a resource.

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