By obtaining a token and cloth, one may get a third backpack from the first two. (found in the loot box). In order to perform this, the player has to go to a special interface and choose two backpacks to use for mint purposes. Backpacks that are not prone to wear and do not store coins can be easily utilized by the player. They can be used less than 7 times for a mint. The backpack level must be at least 5. It has been at least 48 hours from the moment of the backpack's appearance and its leverage for mint. The mint interface is enabled by pressing the "mint" button in the backpack menu.
The mint price is determined by the current mint value of each backpack as well as its rarity. The initial mint of one backpack costs 50 tokens, and each successive mint costs additional 50 tokens. Depending on the rarity, this price should be multiplied by 2 for a rare backpack, 4 for an epic backpack, and 8 for a legendary backpack. The cloth utilization increases the price; the first cloth of this kind costs two tokens, the second one costs 4 tokens, the third one costs 6 tokens, and so on; each subsequent cloth of the same type costs 2 additional tokens than the previous one.
For instance, you must utilize one rare backpack with a mint count of 3 and one epic with a mint count of 2. The cost of using a rare backpack is 5042=400 coins, while the cost of using an epic backpack is 5034=600 coins. In total, 400+600=1000 coins. Mint requires cloth. When utilizing a rarity backpack, common has one cloth, rare has 2, epic has 4, and legendry has 8. As a result, if you select common and epic backpacks for mint, you will require 1 + 4 = 5 cloth. The cloth comes in five distinct colors. Each colour represents an energy slot. The color of the cloth used for mint increases the likelihood that the new backpack will contain the appropriate slot.
Slot identification
The subsequent backpack slot will contain a specific type with a 20% probability of each type (5 types in total). The leverage of one cloth increases the likelihood of the appropriate kind by 2%. Slot types that do not require cloth utilization are given a chance on a residual basis. This type of slot cannot be generated if the remainder is 0 or less.
Example 1: If the player utilized 4 cloth of type 1, the likelihood that the slot would contain type 1 will be 20+2*4=28%, while the remainder is (100-28)/4 = 18% apiece.
Example 2: If the player uses four different types of cloth in four different pieces, then four different types of slots will have a probability of 28%. The remaining fifth type is 100-(28*4)= -12 = 0, indicating that the fifth slot type will not be generated, while the rest will be generated with equal chance.
The generation process involves determining the type of each slot progressively based on the probability. The chances are defined by the cloth rather than the slot number.
The backpack displays in the player's inventory with a "NEW" plaque directly after a mint has taken place.
Rarity 1 | Rarity 2 | Common | Rare | Epic | Legendary |
Common | Common | 100 | |||
Rare | Common | 50 | 50 | ||
Epic | Common | 50 | 25 | 25 | |
Legendary | Common | 50 | 16,67 | 16,67 | 16,67 |
Rare | Rare | 100 | |||
Rare | Epic | 50 | 50 | ||
Rare | Legendary | 50 | 25 | 25 | |
Epic | Epic | 100 | 50 | ||
Epic | Legendary | 50 | 100 | ||
Legendary | Legendary |
The new backpack's rarity has a 50% chance of matching the R1 backpack from the lower rarity that is used in the mint process. The remaining 50% will be split equally between the R1 + 1 and the second backpack rarities. (Check the chart above)
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